hey check this out....some interesting stuff ...got from some site!!!! Dr. Stroustrup has been been interviewed many times and most ask the same questions. As such I felt it was more important to focus on him as a person and not so much on his achievements. Michael Miller : How many spoken or written languages do you know? Bjarne Stroustrup : At widely varying levels of fluency: Danish, English, German, French, C++, C, Simula, Smalltalk, ML, Fortran, Java, C#, Ada. I must have used two dozen more programming languages over the years. MM : Many novice programmers get a feeling of euphoria when their program compiles and runs while many of the professional programmers seem jaded. Do you still get that type of feeling [euphoria] when working on a project [and it] works? BS : Definitely when it's "interesting code", that is a kind of code I haven't gotten to work a few times before. "Variety is the spice of life" applies to programming also. MM : What would be t...